There is a lake at the north of Silverlake where I and indeed humans can go swimming. So here I am, having an absolute ball.
Around half an hour from the house is Weymouth and its beach. Great fun running round and swimming in the sea. My owners recommend that you check on which areas dogs can go as it changes by time of year.
There is a website, whatever that is, that tells you. See
Whilst I have to be on the lead around some of the estate, there are areas I can be off the lead. My owners have the Silverlake app and map so they know.
Me? I just love the smells.
Great place for dog walking as well as cycling. Off lead 99% of the time and loads of space for running, sniffing and generally tiring Bertie out.
I will chill while I think of more places to go.
PS I am not meant to be on the chairs without the blanket - oops.