It was a very damp, gloomy and rather depressing January in terms of weather. We had guests over the New Year but after that it has been an empty house. We keep the heating on but not the hotter.
The new Ember programmer has proved its worth as I can adjust hot water, towel rails and pumped hot water timings via the app. I've been experimenting with putting the underfloor heating on 17 degrees and using the heated towel rails each morning and evening to keep the house around 20 degrees. As the MVHR extracts warm air from the bathrooms and then uses that to rewarm the incoming air, I thought it would work reasonably well which it did.
The basic numbers were as follows: For electricity, generation 332 kWh, of which 281 kWh were exported. We pulled in 101 kWh from the grid, used 9 kWh for car charging and for gas we imported 396 kWh. That gives us a negative balance of 207 kWh. Making the point for ASHP, if we had one installed we would be just positive.